Butlin’s are extending their caravan village with over 120 caravans. The fleet will be owned and rented by Butlin’s directly, what does this mean?
Quality – The vans will be new for 2024, so will be of high quality. Butlin’s have offered their own caravans before, and unfortunately they deteriated faster than private caravans.
Cleaning – A good cleaner can probably get about 6 caravans ready in a changeover day, so they would need another 20+ cleaners, or would need to cut corners!
Guests – This will mean a greater choice for guests, and they have the opportunity to book shows and dining plans etc. Peak times their costs will inevitably be higher than private caravans, but they do have the ability to undercut private owners (and are likely to do this off-peak) – simply because of the cost of wristbands.
Impact on private caravan owners – many owners with families make good use of the holiday periods, and try to rent off-peak to suppliment the high cost of ownership. Inevitably this will impact them which is a shame.
Let us know your thoughts whether you are an owner or guest!